Welcome to
the hsp way
The Podcast For HSPs BY HSPs
HI, My name is JANE-MARIE!
I have been on the path of inspiring change in others for a long time and it is my life’s purpose and passion!
Jane-Marie is a…
Holistic Coach for HSPs,a Podcaster, an Ayurvedic Practitioner, a Yoga Instructor, a Teacher, a Guide, an HSP Organizer (Join her community here) AND first and foremost she is an HSP/HSW!
Things She LOVES…
Creating Community
Being outside in nature
Hanging with my two Doggos, Avi and Bat
Dancing, yoga, movement
Harry Potter
Her Values…
Jane-Marie is a Coach for HSPs and a believer in the magic of life, and a believer in YOU!
She lives her life the HSP Way with her two pups Avi & BatMan, in Asheville, NC.
She was born in Colombia and adopted as a baby. Her adoptive parents brought her to their home in the Hudson Valley of New York. It is there where she spent her childhood years.
It has been her natural way to trail blaze a path that fits her, even as a young child. She intuitively learned to reframe her stories as a child, which helped Jane-Marie to rise above the challenges an HSP can face without support or guidance.
So here we are!
My mission is to support you in regaining your confidence and reclaiming your HSP trait as a Superpower, so you can level up in life and enjoy what is meant to be yours!
Y’all we live in a very DIY culture.
But trust me, it does not have to be that way!
We are all on a journey and every journey at some point needs a guide to get to the next level. Neither Frodo or Harry Potter were able to achieve their goals on their own.
So, let’s link up and get you on the right path!
I got you!

Something to consider whn you shed the skin you have outgrown in life it is part of transformational growth and it is hard AF. People around you who aren’t ready for You to change can make what is already challenging for you, feel even more so.
AND when you are an HSP that is a HUGE mountain to cilmb.
So that is why I say it is in these times that you need to get curious, follow the light, breath deep and walk the unknown path.
If these words are giving you the feels and you are ready to really understand your purpose on your HSP journey, then let’s link up and move through our human experience together.
Click the button below so we can find a time to chat, but if you are ready now then find me on IG and DM me. I can’t wait to hear from you!